Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why We are Lucky

This is a dramatic retelling of Conor's preschool meltdown this morning.

Watching Daddy set down the breakfast plates, Conor self-righteously demands: I WANT MY BAGEL!!!!!

Daddy: Ummm, you're holding it.

Conor: Oh! ((giggles))


Conor: I have more hungry. My tummy needs more food.

Mama: Do you want a banana? A grape?

Conor: I want something I like. ((he begins to slyly eye his pumpkin filled with candy))

Mama: I see you looking at the pumpkin. I know you want candy. But we don't eat candy at breakfast. That's our family rule.

Conor, lower lip trembling, in a serious frown: I want....I want...I want...(the tears start and he gets a defiant tone)....I want a book.

Mama and Daddy: Ok.

I'm really not kidding. Those are real honest to God(dess) quotes from this morning. We are very lucky. And, yes, we know it.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    OMG, that is hillarious! How did you not just die laughing when he said that? It would have been so hard to stifle cracking up.

  2. Okay - those are too funny!!!
