Thursday, January 11, 2007

Delurk Thineself!

I've never done this before in fears of having absolutley no one respond, but apparently this is (Inter)National Delurking Week.

Say Hi! I'm working and would much rather be obsessively checking my site for new comments.

If you'd like, you can give a brief Howdy-Do and maybe a name, interest in being here, location, credit card number, password to all your checking accts.

JUST KIDDING! But it'd be great if you decided to say Hi!


  1. Hi from Canada this morning!

  2. Hello! I've been reading your blog for a few weeks and through you, have read many many other infertility blogs. It's become my newest, and most dangerous, source of procrastination. As an infertile myself, it's been great to read/connect with other women who know what it's all about. Maybe one of these days I'll start my own blogging adventure... though of course that would mean even LESS work getting done...

  3. Look, you already have three and you only just posted!

    Last year you were the onliest person to leave a comment on my Delurking Week post.

  4. Well, and of course then there's me :)

  5. Okay, I'll bite. Hi there! Love your blog.

  6. hi there anita. i haven't commented in a very long time, so here i am de-lurking. wow, been reading your blog for over 3 years now. i can't believe it! i found you through "alien in my buddha." you're one of my favorites.

  7. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Hi--Love your blog! You're a great, entertaining writer. You pick out these moments of your life that are incredibly fascinating, but were they to happen in my life, they would pass by unnoticed. Anyway, I've been reading your blog since a friend told me about it when I got pregnant, and now I have a one-year-old! I even signed up on to have alerts emailed to me when your site changes/is updated. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  8. I've been reading your blog for over 3 years now too AND also found you through "Alien in my Buddha." So there's two of us. Isn't it funny that so many people "know" you through your blog?

  9. Do I know you? :-)

    Hi from the Empire State!

  10. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hi, I probably lurk more than anyone else, espcially if I think you might blog about our grandson.


  11. I think you were one of the first blogs I ever read, Anita, and definitely one of the ones who made me think I might like to do it, too. Thanks for hanging in there. And Conor, of course, is gorgeous (not to mention very soulful!).

  12. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Hi from NC! I'm a lurker. I have been reading your blog for a few months now and it is absolutely one of my favorites and also an inspiration for me to write more.


  13. Anonymous1:22 AM

    dot, you are one lucky grandma! And not too shabby a parent your ownself if Anita represents the fine work you've done in that department :)

  14. Hello, Australia... tired, it's late should be in bed... baby sleeps = my play time :P
    Been reading for probably 1 yr, can't remember if I've commented before ... I usually read via Bloglines.

  15. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Okay, I'm delurking . . . can't believe I've never commented but I've been reading since summer '04. Found you from a
    babycenter posting a very long time ago . . my daughter Hannah was born in July 04 and it is always striking to me how she and Conor seem to be going through the same things at the same time! Love to hear all about life-balancing and not (2 fulltime working parents--but just 2 furry friends--in our household). Greetings from the DC metro area (MD).

  16. Tried to comment earlier however blogger's word verification always makes me type the crazy thing in twice.

    Anyway, just wanted to pop up and say hi. Although I've been reading for a long time (probably since Conor was under 1) I don't comment often. Usually someone has beaten me to what I was going to say. As a mother of a 3 yr old son, working at a southern university (as a statistical consultant), with an out of hand garden in the summer and a sporadically peeing cat, I often understand where you are coming from.

    So Hi. And now to slink back in to lurking mode. :)

  17. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Hi, I've been stalking your blog for about a year now. Not sure how I originally came across it - probably some pregnancy related google search. I have a son about Conor's age. I think the reason I keep reading is that you beautifuly express the exact feelings I have for my son. Seeings as how I write as if employed by Parade magazine, I truly appreciate good writing in others!

    Keep up the great blogs. Is it weird to have complete strangers know so much about you? :)

  18. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hi from Cal - enjoy reading your blog very much!

  19. I'm not really a lurker as you've heard from me before, but want to say again how much I enjoy your writing and your views on life.


  20. I'm not really delurking, it's more like "her AGAIN!" but I thought I would say hi just the same.

  21. Hi - another long term secret lurker - been reading since Connor was a new born and was on maternity leave with my own boy a few months younger than connor
    I love both the similarities and differences in our lives - how you express the things I recognise so well - it helps me understand the things I don't recognise. I am also a working mum, also a teacher (but high school), also have a small furry inhabitant (who pees when insecure), also have a son who I adore. I am however English living in Singapore, have an older girl, don't understand the US electoral system and have fewer pets. You remind me of the seasons and things like harvest festival that you don't get in Asia. So thankyou and keep writing.

  22. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Hi! I'm still here.


  23. Anonymous4:20 PM


  24. Anonymous12:12 PM


    I feel like a total dork typing this, but wanted to delurk as per your request.

  25. Ok, a fortnight late here, but I had to comment since I'm the one who passed your blog on to "Kati in CA" and am just tickled that she still checks in.
    I found you almost 3 years ago when I got preggers and Googled "pregnant drinking O'Douls". You made me laugh hysterically in my cube and made everyone around me wonder what the hell I was smoking. You were my first favorite blog and have always been such fun to read. Thanks for keeping it up and making my blog recommendations look so good. :)
