Handyman Daddy made the ladder for the firewagon. I just have to say that seeing this guy in all his costume-y adorableness pretty much makes my heart shoot out of my eyes. It's, oddly enough, too much feeling and not enough at the same time.
BTW, I just figured out that if you click on that picture, a Very Big Adorable Firefighter will appear on your screen. (Of course, I mean a toddler firefighter!)
Holy flash fires, Batman, what a cutie!
He's darling. Happy Halloween.
He is a bundle of cuteness! Great costume too. Yay! Dad for the ladder, everything looks like it all went together.
Have a great Halloween!
(And am I very much mistaken or does he have his uncle's hair??)
I came across your blog when I googled “miscarriage” in the blog search section. I just had one two months ago (thank you blighted ovum) and was doing a little research and reading up to see what women were saying. I told family I was pregnant pretty soon after I found out and then everybody else after the three months had passed. Then I went in for an ultrasound and saw a black blob with no heartbeat. I felt dumb about telling people for some reason too. It was like instant shame. Ridiculous. Anyways, enjoying your blog (especially the article where you talked about m/c) and your links and everything. Just thought I would let you know.
Thanks, 20!
I agree about feeling ashamed. At my last m/c, I apologized to a few people for telling them I was pg for no good reason.
Holy crap, is he cute! And so big now!
By the way, he and Miss M have the same curls! (How do you deal with the frizz?)
I think I am in love. He's definitely the cutest little BOY. (Of course, the Alien is the cutest little GIRL.)
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