Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Jump Up and Down

Our little guy has turned into a singer. Not so much the lounge singer as the punk rock singer. His favorite song that is hot in his toddler room "Conor, Conor, Jump Up and Down."

It's so popular that even other kids (well, one other kid) starts singing it as soon as he sees Conor. And, honestly, it's not really "Conor, Conor, Jump Up and Down" because every child gets a verse, but it's more attractive to write "Conor, Conor, Jump Up and Down" than "X, X, Jump Up and Down" or "Name that Kid, Name that Kid, Jump Up and Down".

The verse:

Conor, Conor
Jump up and down
Jump up and down
Jump up and down
Conor, Conor
Jump up and down
And sit right down

At the same time, the child in question jumps up and down (or flops around or just bends his/her knees depending on his/her developmental stage!) and then sits right down (flops on the ground).

Conor gets so excited that he sings this song when we come home from work. He sings it in the morning when we're getting ready for school. He's even just bust out a chorus during an especially happy time.

And then he adds the next verse "Daddy, Daddy, Jump Up and Down" followed by "Mommy, Mommy, Jump up and Down" ending with once occassionally with "Patches, Patchs, Jump up and Down."

I have to admit for all you SAHMs that you have an advantage over us. You know all the songs your children sing. We don't know them. We have to ask our care givers who are more than willing to tell us, but I don't think they know how important it is. Conor nearly freaks out when we sing one of the songs they sing at school (We had them teach us the Jump Up and Down song). He nearly levitated when we sang The Wheels on the Bus the other night after dinner.

It's worth it. It's probably some of the most precious things I've seen.


  1. Max and I sometimes perform a duet of The Wiggles' "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear" together, in front of the bathroom mirror, dance moves, song and all. Rock on Anita!!!

  2. Awwww! You guys are starting to make me think I'm more ready for a grandbaby than I realize. I so remember that kind of excitement when the kids were little. Enjoy it to the hilt, and record it for posterity if you possibly can. He'll just love it when you feature that video at his 16th birthday party ;-)

  3. I remember when Jed starting singing school songs too. I never did figure out some of them but one of his current favorites is Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed. He'll sing it while jumping around or even just laying in the middle of the floor. I recorded him singing the ABC's early spring but need to get a few of his new songs recorded for all posterity.

  4. I know this is a very old post but I just had this same situation. I could not identify what song my son was singing for the last 6 months. It sounded like "lullie lullie double down double down"! He finally added another verse which was clearly "sit back down" and I asked at daycare. It is this song and I obviously Googled it. He's saying "Lucy Lucy jump up and down". That's one of the other kids. So cute! Thanks for the post.

  5. I know this is a very old post but I just had this same situation. I could not identify what song my son was singing for the last 6 months. It sounded like "lullie lullie double down double down"! He finally added another verse which was clearly "sit back down" and I asked at daycare. It is this song and I obviously Googled it. He's saying "Lucy Lucy jump up and down". That's one of the other kids. So cute! Thanks for the post.

  6. Lisa--I don't know if you can get a notice for this response, but Yay!!! I love this story! :-)
